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سیکورٹی فورسز اور خفیہ ادارے عالمی راے عامہ کو گمراہ کرنے کی کوشش کررہے ہیں

کوئٹہ ; گذشتہ روز سیکورٹی فورسز کی جانب سے مچھ کے گرد و نواح علاقے زرغو ن کلی،مارواڈ،اور مارگیٹ میں سول آبادیوں پر آپریشن و بے دریغ بمباری انسانی حقوق کے پامالیوں کا بدترین مثال ہے ۔پیر کے روز علی الصبح مچھ کے گردنواح علاقوں کو چاروں طرف سے گھیرے میں لے کرجدید قسم کے جنگی ساز و سامان سمیت گن شپ طیاروں سے سول آبادیوں میں فوجی آپریشن شروع کردیا گیا ہے جبکہ سول آبادیوں پر بے دریغ بمباری کی گئی جس میں بڑی تعداد مال موشیوں کی ہلاکت کے ساتھ متعد خواتین ،بچے ، بزرگ زخمی ہوئے علاقے میں سیکورٹی فورسز کی ناکہ بنذی کی وجہ سے ہلاکت کا اندیشہ بڑھ چکا ہے بعدازں دوپہر کے وقت متعد بلوچوں کے گھروں کو لوٹ مار کے بعد کے آگ لگا نے کا گھناو عمل شروع کیا گیا آپریشن جارحانہ تسلسل کے ساتھ جاری ہے جبکہ متعدبلوچوں کو گرفتار کر کے نامعلوم مقام پر منتقل کردیا گیا ہے ۔واضح رہے کہ چنددن قبل فورسز نے اغواہ برائے تاوان کا الزام لگا کر اسپلنجی گابو کے علاقے میں بڑے پیمانے پر فوجی آپریشن کیا گیا تھا جس میں 7 بلوچ فرزند شہید متعد زخمی ہوئے تھے اب اس طرح کے حربے استعمال کر کے سیکورٹی فورسز اپنی سفاک کاروائیوں کو وسیع کرتا جارہا ہے۔
  بلوچستان میں انسانی حقوق کی پامالیاں شدید سے شدیدتر ہوتے جارہے ہیں جبری گمشدگیاں،مسخ شدہ لاشوں کی برآمدگی،ٹارگیٹ کر کے شہید کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ اب سیکورٹی فورسز نے سول آبادیوں پر فوجی آپرشن اور بمباریوں کا نہ ختم ہونے والا سلسلہ شروع کردیا ہے ہزاروں لوگوں کو شہید اورلاپتہ کرنے سمیت مال موشیوں کو تباہ اورگھروں کو لوٹ مار کے بعد آگ لگا کر مسمار کردیا گیا ہے سیکورٹی فورسز اور خفیہ ادارے انسانی حقوق کی پامالیوں اور بلوچ نسل کشی کو دنیا کے سامنے چھپانے کیلئے ہرروز مختلف قسم کے حربے استعمال کر کے عالمی راے عامہ کو گمراہ کرنے کی کوشش کررہے ہیں بلوچستان بھر میں انسانی حقوق کی پابندیاں نظر نہیں آتی ہے سیکورٹی فورسز اور خفیہ ادارے کسی بھی قانون کے پابند نہیں ہے ۔
اس تشویشناک صورتحال میں اقوام متحدہ سمیت انسانی حقوق کی تنظیمیں اور عالمی میڈیا بلوچستان بھر میں انسانی حقوق کی شدید پاپالیوں کی روک تھام، سول آبادیوں پر آپریشن اور بے دریغ بمباریوں کا نوٹس لے کر عملی کردار ادا کرے

Many residents of New Kahan arrested

Quetta :

A number of Marri Baloch have been arrested from New Kahan, Quetta in a pre-dawn raid by Pakistan FC, on Tuesday.

According to details the local police and FC (Frontier Crops) have raided houses of Marri Baloch in New Kahan in Quetta around 4 am Tuesday morning. The raid continued for at least three hours. The residents complained that Pakistani officials harassed women and children during the house – to – house search operation. Many men have been arrested and taken to unknown location before brutally beating them on spot.

New Kahan also known as ‘the Gaza Strip of Balochistan’ is a Marri Baloch populated area in Hazar Ganji region of Quetta. The area has always been under the watch of Pakistan’s security agencies since late 2000, many residents of New Kahan have been killed under-custody after being force fully disappeared and several are still being held by Pakistani authorities at undisclosed locations.

It is also pertinent to mention that the raid took place at a time when the Supreme Court of Pakistan is hearing the cases of abducted Baloch persons. So far all the evidence presented to Court proves that the FC and other security agencies are involved in forced-disappearance in Balochistan.

لاپتہ افراذ متعلق سیل کا قیام توجہ ہٹانے اور ذنیا کو گمراہ کرنے کی سازش ہے- بلوچ ہیومن رائٹس آرگنائزیشن

سیکورٹی فورسز کا لاپتہ افراذ متعلق سیل کے قیام کا اعلان کرنا اور ریاستی اذاروں کی جانب سے بلوچ میذیا روزنامہ توار اخبار کے ویب سائٹ کو بنذ کرنا بلوچ مسلئے پر ذنیا کی توجہ ہٹانے اور ذنیا کو گمراہ کرنے کی سازش ہے بلوچستان میں لوگوں کو جبری طور پر اغواہ کرنے اور شہیذ کرنے میں سیکورٹی فورسز اور خفیہ اذارے ملوث ہے اس سے متعلق انسانی حقوق کے تنظیموں سمیت خوذ ریاستی سپریم کورٹ نے بھی شواہذ پیش کیے تھے بلوچستان میں انسانی حقوق کی پامالیاں سنگین مسئلہ بن چکا ہے اور انسانی حقوق کی سنگین پامالیوں میں سیکورٹی اور خفیہ اذارے براہ راست ملوث ہے ذنیا کو گمراہ کرنے کیلئے سیکورٹی فورسز اور خفیہ اذارے مختلف طریقے کے حربے استعمال کرتے چلے آرہے ہیں روزنامہ توار کی ویب سائٹ کو بنذ کرنا اور لاپتہ افراذ متعلق سیل کے قیام کا اعلان کرنا اسی سلسلے کا کڑی ہے سیکورٹی فورسز لاپتہ افراذ متعلق سیل قائم کر کے تکلیف نہ کرے اس سے بہتر ہوگا سیکورٹی فورسز اپنے انسانیت سوز نجی جیلوں سے لاپتہ افراذ کو منظر عام پر لا ئے۔جبکہ توار اخبار کے ویب سائٹ کو بنذ کرنا صحافتی آواز کو ذبانے کی کوشش ہے اس مسئلے پرریاستی میذیا کی خاموشی سوالیہ نشان ہے!!!
گذشتہ ذنوں پنجاب فورم نے اپنے ذھمکی آمیز اخباری بیان میں کہا کہ بلوچستان میں امن و امان کی بحالی کیلئے بھر پور فوجی آپریشن و گورنر راج کی ضرورت ہے اور ہزاروں لاپتہ افراذ کو چنذ افراذ قرار ذینا سامراجیت زہین کی عکاسی کرتا ہے پنجاب فورم کی مسلسل ذھمکی آمیز بیانات سے ثابت ہوتا ہے کہ بلوچستان میں سیکورٹی فورسز اور خفیہ اذاروں کی جارحانہ کاروائیاں جاری ہے اور اب اپنی جارحانہ کاروائیوں کو وسیع اور بڑے پیمانے پر بلوچستان کے مختلف علاقوں میں فوجی آپریشن کرنے کیلئے پنجاب فورم جیسے سامرجیت پسنذ تنظیموں کے ذریعے رائے عموار کی جارہی ہے اورلاپتہ افراذ کے لواحقین کو ذھمکیاں ذینا کا سلسلہ جا ری ہے لاپتہ افراذ لواحقین اپنے پیاروں کی بازیابی کیلئے گذشتہ 826 ذن سے کوئٹہ ،کراچی،اسلام آباذ کے پریس کلبوں کے سامنے بھوک ہڑتالی کیمپ لگائے بیٹے ہوئے ہیں ریاستی اذاروں کی جانب سے کیمپ کو ختم کرنے کیلئے لواحقین کو مسلسل جانی ومالی نقصانات کی ذھمکیاں ذی جاتی ہے اور متعذ مرتبہ کوششیں بھی کی گئی ہے گذشتہ ذنوں وائس پار بلوچ مسنگ پرسنز کے وائس چیرمین ماما قذیر بلوچ کو بھوک ہڑتالی کیمپ ختم کرنے کیلئے سنگین قسم کی ذھمکیاں ذی گئی ہے ۔

Security agencies threatened Qadeer Baloch to physically eliminate.

Quetta :

The Vice Chairman of the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons has said that Pakistan’s security agencies and their informer have threatened to physically eliminate him if he doesn’t end the protest camp in front of Quetta Press Club.
The Daily Tawar, an Urdu language Newspaper in Balochistan, quoted Qadeer Baloch as saying, “Yesterday, a dark window car of agencies and another white car of an informer, approached me and said if you do not end your protest, you will suffer the same fate as Nazeer Marri and Saba Dashtyari Baloch.” Qadeer Baloch further said they also verbally abused him and pro-freedom Baloch leaders, adding that, he has recognized the informer who is still armature but he exposed himself.
Qadeer Baloch said he was adamant to continue his struggle and have never been intimidated by such threats neither will he be frightened in future.
Meanwhile the protest of families of abducted Baloch has entered its 853rd day and Qadeer Baloch has been an inspiration for the family members of abducted and extra-judicially Baloch activists. A delegation of BSO-Azad Shaal (Quetta) zone visited the protest camp to show their solidarity with loved ones of abducted persons.

Voice for Baloch Missing Persons rejected the FC’s special cell

Quetta :

The Voice for Baloch Missing Persons has categorically rejected the FC’s special cell which has been set up to help find missing persons. The VBMP termed it as an attempt by ‘Culprit trying to be the Judge’. “Formation of such a cell is only meant to divert the attention of the world and mislead judicial departments. All the evidence proves that the Intelligence agencies and FC are involved in enforced disappearances.”

These views were expressed by Nasrullah Baloch, the chairman of the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons. Addressing the media persons Mr. Baloch said all the evidence presented during Supreme Courts hearings have clearly indicated that the FC (Frontier Corps) is involved in abductions of Baloch activists. Setting up a cell by FC to collect the information about missing person is baseless and we believe as the Supreme Court has made its position clear about the FC, they are now trying to make themselves uncontroversial.

Nasruallh Baloch said the evidence and witnesses at Supreme Court hearings have proved that security agencies are involved in abductions but the advocate of FC keeps on repeating that abducted persons are not in the custody of security forces, adding that, “if the security forces are sincere about finding abducted persons, then they should affectively help the Supreme Court so that the abducted person can be found.”

He said if FC contacts his Organisation about the details of abducted persons, they will make a decision on organizational level after discussing the issue with other members. However, he said, FC has not played any positive role about abducted Baloch. Setting up a cell by FC will not help release abducted persons neither will it normalize the situation – such acts are baseless and ineffective.

Security forces attacked several Baloch villages in Mach

Quetta : The Pakistan FC (Frontier Constabulary) backed by gunship helicopters have attacked several Baloch villages in Mach and surrounding regions.

According to details Pakistan’s security forces have started military offensives in surrounding areas of Mach town in Balochistan including Zarghoon Killi, Marwaad and Margat. At least four gunship helicopters and 80 personnel carrier vehicles took part in the latest offensives and indiscriminate bombing on unarmed civilians. Sources reported that several livestock have been killed and many Baloch women and children were wounded.

The Pakistani forces also looted valuables from houses of innocent Baloch and set ablaze several houses. The military offensives were still continuing until the filing of this report.

The Pakistan military has block all the entrance and exit routes due which it has become difficult for residents to take injured for treatment. It is feared that the wounded might succumb to their injuries because of lack of medical facilities and the blockade by security forces.

Rep. Rohrabacher Requests Information about Zakir Majeed Baloch

Washington, Jul 30 - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) sent a letter Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, asking her to provide his office with information related to the case of a missing Baluch man named Zakir Majeed. Mr. Majeed, who was the Vice-Chairman of the Baluch Student Organization, was abducted on June 2009.

Human rights groups have recorded hundreds of cases of ethnic Baluch men disappearing or being killed by Pakistan’s security forces. The Pakistani government uses kidnapping and murder to repress Baluch who express a desire for autonomy.

Earlier this year, Rep. Rohrabacher raised the case of British citizen Noordin Mengal, who was the delegate to the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization for Baluchistan, and was denied entry to the United States by the Department of Homeland Security.

At the time, Rep. Rohrabacher wrote to Secretary Napolitano that the US Government needs to “end its partnership with the ISI in repressing the Baluchi people. We must allow eligible Baluchi leaders to come to the US… The people of Baluchistan are not the enemy of the US; they are our allies in the region.”

Rep. Rohrabacher, together with Rep. Steve King (R-IA) and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), introduced legislation on February 17, 2012 expressing the sense of Congress that the people of Baluchistan have a “right to self-determination and to their own sovereign country.”

Rep. Rohrabacher is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee which held a hearing on Baluchistan on February 8, 2012.

Report On Enforced Disapearencess, Mutilated Bodies And Genocide Of Baloch Nation. By; Voice for Baloch Missing Persons

We enlisted here,
Some of the souls in traumata,

Others yet awaiting recognition,
Who serve as a reminder to the international community that genocide is not yet a word only in history books

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Report On Enforced Disapearencess , Mutilated Bodies And Genocide Of  Baloch Nation.
By; Voice for Baloch Missing Persons

Balochistan, a sovereign state, was occupied by Pakistan on 27 of March 1948; since that day, in order to silence the voices for liberation and to instill fear among the general populace, Pakistan has employed a strategy of enforcedly disappearing people belonging to different age groups and occupations, of which only a small number has been documented in the list attached. The first people who were enforcedly disappeared were the friends and peers of Prince Abdul Karim, who were abducted in 1948, of which few were released and others are still missing, most probably murdered under custody.
Voice for Baloch Missing and Murdered Persons has documented the information of 2251 Balochs who have been enforcedly disappeared mainly within the last seven years and the information of 289 Balochs who have been murdered under the custody of Pakistan Army in the last 3 years. However the anticipated number of the enforcedly disappeared crosses 14,400 and victims of custodial killings cross the number of 400.
In the rebellion which arose in the years of 1973-1977, which was countered by Pakistan with the help of Iran, several common Balochs were enforcedly disappeared. This was the first instance when Pakistan Army made public its vicious approach towards silencing the Baloch voices by abducting common Balochs; they sold the women as sex slaves in Lahore and among the commodities being sold in Lahore also included children of Balochistan, who could barely even realize that their smiles were being sold cause of the voices their people were raising against injustice. Many of them women were later on “bought back” by their families from Lahore.

Though the list includes abductees from as early as the year 2000, however only very known earlier cases have been included. Mainly the documentation was started in the year 2005, when the cases of the disappearances began to rapidly increase. The chart below, highlight yearly flow of the disappearances. Moreover this should be taken under consideration that the cases of torture murders have been gradually increasing with the passage of time.

The list enclosed includes only a limited number of the victims, as due to insufficient resources and lack of communication means most of the cases could not be included. Furthermore, several of the families of the victims do not bring the cases in public after being threatened by Pakistan army, for they think their loved ones would be murdered under custody if they disclose the cases in public.
If timely measures are not taken, massacres committed by Nazis in Germany and by Pakistan in Bangladesh could yet again take place, and become a black spot on humanity itself.
The cases of enforced disappearances are not only limited to a p articular gender or an age group. Among the victims include an infant as young as of just 1 month and an elderly man of 92 years of old.
By the time this list was prepared, about 14400 were enforcedly disappeared, of which only 22 people of the documented victims were released and 289 of them were murdered. Most of the victims are still missing and several of them possibly murdered.

Among the people disappeared, victims’ occupations have been diverse as well. The victims do not only include journalists, political workers, doctors and teachers but also people working as civil servants, students and house wives were not spared. Balochistan, which is already banned for the international journalists and aid workers, is as unsafe for the locals who dare to speak against injustices and is threatening even for those, who are friends or family of the people who dare to speak.

Among the victims include an infant as young as of just 1 month and an elderly man of 92 years of old.By the time this list was prepared, about 14400 were enforcedly disappeared, of which only 22 people of the documented victims were released and 289 of them were murdered. The victims do not only include journalists, political workers, doctors and teachers but also people working as civil servants, students and house wives were not spared.
More recently, Pakistan has given pace to a torture murder strategy, also called as the kill and dump strategy among the human rights workers focused on Balochistan. In less than a year, more than 400 mutilated bodies of the enforcedly disappeared were dumped on busy streets and known places, with often chits in the pockets of the victims identifying them, when the bodies are tortured beyond recognition. The evident purpose of doing so is to instill fear among the general populace, to threaten of such deaths if they continued speaking against the atrocities being committed in Balochistan.

Voice for Baloch Missing and Murdered;
with the documented details of the victims, hereby appeals to the international organizations to take immediate measures to stop the human rights abuses in Balochistan. If timely measures are not taken, massacres committed by Nazis in Germany and by Pakistan in Bangladesh could yet again take place, and become a black spot on humanity itself. Immediate intervention, by sending fact finding missions to Balochistan, can not only safe hundreds and thousands of innocent lives, but would save humanity itself.


Balochistan has been facing grave human rights violations since the day it was occupied, on 27th of March, 1948. Among the frequent measures employed by Pakistan Army to suppress the voices in Balochistan include enforced disappearances, target killings, custodial killings, public beatings, harassment, burning alive cattle and crops and poisoning water streams and wells. Since Pakistan’s occupation of Balochistan, several thousand innocent men, women and children have lost their lives and several others have been physically disabled.

These violations are getting grave by each day, and a systematic slow genocide is taking place. The silence of the International community on the issue is serving as a silent supporter of these human rights abuses, and if such sile nt support persists, this world would witness a catastrophe in terms of human values and virtues.

Voice for Baloch Missing and Murdered Persons has documented the information of 2251 Balochs who have been enforcedly disappeared mainly within the last seven years and the information of 289 Balochs who have been murdered under the custody of Pakistan Army in the last 3 years. However the anticipated number of the enforcedly disappeared crosses 14,400 and victims of custodial killings cross the number of 400.

These figures should alarm the International community of the capability of Pakistan Army to commit such heinous crimes. And on the behalf of Baloch people, the victims of such brutalities, we appeal to the International Community to send a fact finding mission to Balochistan and investigate by itself the gross human violations taking place in the region.

It is only then, that the International Community would become aware of the seriousness of this issue, and would be able to take immediate steps to restate humanity in this part of the world. We urge that if immediate measures are not taken, civilization would lose hopes in this region and inhumanity would eventually envelope the whole world.

Forces arrested eight people from Gwadar

Gwadar ,After the attack on Coast Guards check post and killing of eight soldiers the Pakistan security forces have started a crack-down in several surrounding areas of Gawadar, the port city of Balochistan.

Sources reported that at least five vehicles of security forces raided Kahda Bazaar in Paleri region between Pishukaan and Gwadar. Women and children were reportedly harassed and the sanctity of houses was violated during the violent search operation.

At least eight people were arrested from Kahda Bazaar, Paleri and taken to an unknown location. The arrested people included Saeed Mohammad, Qayum and Muslim; however, names of the rest of the arrested people could not be ascertained immediately.

Earlier the Coast Guard personnel had arrested two eighty year old men and subjected them to brutal and inhuman torture. The men were reportedly asked about the whereabouts of Baloch freedom fighters. The two aged men were later released in badly injured condition.

بلوچ مہاجرین کیمپ کو فراری کیمپ قرار دے کر فوجی آپریشن شروع کردیا ہے -بلوچ ہیومن رائٹس آرگنایزیشن

ریاست نے بلوچ نسل کشی کے پالیسوں کو وسیع کردیا ہے بلوچ مہاجرین کے کیمپ کو فراری کیمپ قرار دے کر ان کیخلاف بڑے پیمانے پر فوجی آپریشن شروع کردیا ہے جس میں شدید جانی و مالی نقصان کا خدشہ ہے اس سے قبل بھی ان کیخلاف بڑے پیمانے پر آپریشن کیا گیا تھا جس کی وجہ سے آج درپہ دری کے زندگی گزارنے پر مجبور ہے گذشتہ روز ریاستی سیکورٹی فورسز نے ڈیرہ بگٹی و راجن پور کے سرحدی علاقوں میں آپریشن کر کے موالی ولد قیصر بگٹی ،گھانڑا ولد کھر غی بگٹی کو شہید جبکہ چھ بلوچ فرزند وں کو زخمی کردیا ہے زخمیوں سمیت متعد افراد کو گرفتا ر کر کے نامعلوم مقام پر منتقل کردیا ہے ۔
بلوچستان کے بعد سندھ و پنجاب میں بھی بلوچ نسل کشی کو تیز کردیا ہے ڈیرہ بگٹی و گرد نواح علاقوں میں مسلسل فوجی آپریشن کی وجہ سے نقل مکانی کرنے والے بلوچ مہاجرین کو سندھ و پنجاب میں بھی ریاستی آپریشن کا سامنا ہے بلوچ مہاجرین کے کیمپوں میں مسلسل ریاستی آپریشن کی وجہ سے وہاں کے لوگ شدید خوف حراست میں مبتلا ہے جبکہ متعد لوگوں کوجبری طور پر اغواہ کیا گیا ہے جن کی مسخ شدہ لاشیں بھی برآمد ہوچکی ہے جبکہ گذشتہ روز مستونگ کے علاقے اسپلنجی اور تربت کے علاقے نلینٹ میں ریاستی سیکورٹی فورسز نے آپریشن کر کے ساتھ سے زائد بلوچ فرزندوں کو شہید متعد افراد کو گرفتار کر کے نامعلوم مقام پر منتقل کر دیا ہے جبکہ عام آبادیوں پر بمباری کی گئی گھروں اور مال موشیوں کو بھی نقصان پہنچایا گیاہے ۔ بلوچستان میں جاری انسانی حقوق کی پامالیاں اور ریاستی دہشتگردی روز بروز شدید ہوتا جارہا ہے جو کہ انتہائی تشویش نا ک امر ہے بلوچستان بھر میں انسانی حقوق کی پابندی کہیں بھی نظر نہیں آتی جبکہ ریاستی ادارے برائے راست ان خلاف ورزیوں کی مرتکب ہو رہے ہیں جو کہ عالمی انسانی حقوق کے قوانیں کی پابندی کرنے کے بجائے مختلف حربے آزماتے ہوئے کبھی ریاستی آپریشن سے متاثر بلوچوں کی کیمپوں کو فراری کیمپ ظاہر کر کے انہیں تشدد کا نشانہ بنایا جاتا ہے جبکہ امن و امان کے نام پر مختلف علاقوں میں کاروائی کر کے ریاستی دہشتگردی اور نسل کشی کے پالیسیوں کو مزید وسعت دی جارہی ہے جبکہ بلو چوں کو لاپتہ کرنے اور مسخ شدہ لاشیں پھینکنے کا تسلسل تا حال جاری ہے لیکن ایف سی سمیت خفیہ ادارے عدالت اور میڈیا کے سامنے گمراہ کن پرو پگنڈاکرتے ہوئے رائے عامہ کو گمراہ کرنے کی کوششوں میں مصروف ہیں اس تشویشناک صورتحال میں اقوام متحد ہ سمیت انسانی حقوق کے تنظیمیں اور عالمی میڈیابلوچستان میں جاری ریاستی ظلم و جبراورانسانی حقوق کی شدید خلاف ورزیوں کی روک تھام کیلئے اپنا بھر پور کردا رادا کر تے ہوئے اپنی ذمہ داری پورا کرے ۔

Pakistani forces are preparing for massive military operations against Baloch people: BRP

Pakistani forces are preparing for another massive crackdown and huge military operations against Baloch people especially against Baloch IDPs living a miserable life under critical circumstances in different parts of Balochistan, Sindh and bordering areas of Punjab. Pakistani forces have reportedly decided to launch a full-scale military action against Baloch IDPs inhabiting bordering areas of Punjab and Balochistan under the pretext of a crackdown against Baloch insurgents and criminal elements in the area but the truth is there is no guerrilla camp or criminals operating in the area and the only purpose of this upcoming fierce actions by the Pakistan military is to continue the genocide of Baloch people. In another meeting in Quetta, Pakistani security officials have decided to launched a major military operation in Mastung and Bolan districts of Balochistan where, too, a large number of Baloch IDPs from Dera Bugti, Marri areas and other operation affected areas of Balochistan live under the open sky.
Pakistani forces have reportedly decided to launch a full-scale military action against Baloch IDPs inhabiting bordering areas of Punjab and Balochistan under the pretext of a crackdown against Baloch insurgents and criminal elements
It is a well known fact that when the fifth military operation began in Balochistan in 2004 and in the wake of brutal killing of Shaheed Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti in a military raid on August 26, 2006. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Baloch people were forced to migrate from their hometowns. They live a miserable life in Naseerabad, Jaffarabad, Sibi & other parts of Balochistan, in Hyderabad, Sukkur, Rohari, Kashmor & other parts of Sindh and many areas of Punjab bordering with Balochistan including Rojhan, Rajanpur, Dera Ghazi Khan and others. Thousands were even migrated to Afghanistan where they enjoy no support of any refugee, Human Rights or governmental organizations.
On December 05, 2010 Pakistani paramilitary forces attacked a village of Baloch IDPs in area between Dera Bugti, and Rojhan. Heavy military force including bombardment, machine guns, artillery was used in the offensive. Dozens of Baloch IDPs including women & children were wounded and forces abducted a large number of Baloch men including brother of BRP leader Sher Mohammad Bugti namely Shah Mohammad Bugti.
On the contrary, they continue to remain vulnerable for the attacks by state forces, here are some examples. On December 05, 2010, a large number of Pakistani paramilitary forces attacked a village of Baloch IDPs in bordering area between Dera Bugti, Balochistan and Rojhan, Punjab. Heavy military force including bombardment, machine guns, artillery was used in the offensive. Dozens of Baloch IDPs including women & children were wounded and forces abducted a large number of Baloch men including brother of BRP leader Sher Mohammad Bugti namely Shah Mohammad Bugti.
on June 19, 2012 when forces attacks houses of Baloch IDPs in Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab and killed two men namely Ali Bux Bugti s/o Mir Khan Bugti and Nabi Dost Bugti s/o Hair din Bugti and abducted 12 others including womens.
Tortured, Mutilated and bullet-riddled dead body of Shaheed Shah Mohammad Bugti was found two days after the incident while 6 of the men abducted along with him were found buried in a mass grave in a remote area of Dera Bugti discovered by the locals’ months later. One of the latest military crackdowns was launched less than a month ago on June 19, 2012 when forces attacks houses of Baloch IDPs in Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab and killed two men namely Ali Bux Bugti s/o Mir Khan Bugti and Nabi Dost Bugti s/o Hair din Bugti and abducted 12 others including women namely Nazi bibi wife of Yar Khan Bugti, Dur Khatun w/o Nihal Khan Bugti, Shah bibi w/o Alihan Bugti, Bibi w/o Mir Hussain Bugti, Saida w/o Noor Hussain Bugti, Zar Khatun w/o Qadiro Bugti, Zarni w/o Gahra Bugti and the abducted men were identified as Naseebullah Bugti s/o Mirza Khan Bugti, Arzoo Bugti s/o Qadiro Bugti, Nadir Bugti s/o Naseebullah Bugti, Liyaqat Bugti s/o Ali Nawaz Bugti and Gohaal Bugti s/o Lahnra Bugti.
Aim of such attacks in general is the continuity of Baloch genocide and in particular to clear the way for local and foreign companies for the natural resources of the area.
These were only few examples but such military offensives are occurrence of every day. In a similar way, Pakistani forces attack villages & bombard civilian populated area, harass, kill and abducted Baloch men, women and children in a large number. Forces loot the valuable of houses and livestock of the poor people & set the houses and crops on fire, lay landmines all over the areas and poison the sources of drinking water that continue to cause damage to the people until they are compelled to migrate from the areas. Aim of such attacks in general is the continuity of Baloch genocide and in particular to clear the way for local and foreign companies for the natural resources of the area.

Such attacks never came to a halt since the beginning but the recent resumption and increase of the foreign aid especially that from US, Nato and other countries to Pakistan, its forces have planned to accelerate Baloch genocidal policies & extend its scope to entire Balochistan and wherever Baloch are found i.e. in Sindh and Punjab also. For instance, today Pakistani forces carried out a crackdown in Baloch populated Malir town of Karachi where several Baloch youth were reportedly killed and a number other including two brothers Nadir Ali Hoth Baloch and Asif Ali Hoth Baloch were abducted by the forces. Their whereabouts, just like that of thousands abducted before them, remain unknown.

We have always raised our voice against the misuse of foreign aid to Pakistan in the name of war against terrorism. We would like to inform the world and those countries aiding Pakistan once again that their aids are used in genocide of underprivileged Baloch people instead of Alqaeda and other terrorists. On the contrary, Pakistani state and its establishment continue to destabilize the peace and stability of the region by terrorist activities in Afghanistan and India and are directly or indirectly related with every terrorist activity in the region.

We appeal to the international bodies of justice and human rights, United Nations, European Union, NATO countries to immediately stop every kind of military and financial aid to the terrorist state of Pakistan.

GWADAR: Pakistani forces arrested dozens of locals

After the attack by Baloch Liberation Front (BLF) on Pakistan coast guard in Nalent dozens of Pakistani paramilitary forces vehicle surrounded the town and started door to door search operation, harassment of local Baloch population and looting of belongings went on for hours, at the end the Paramilitary forces arrested Prof. Azeem Baluch along with 6 other Local Baloch people, their whereabouts are still unknown and the local police have refused to investigate the matter.
Forces arrested Prof. Azeem Baluch along with 6 other Local Baloch people, their whereabouts are still unknown
According to local sources the search operation didn’t ended yesterday but continued even today when a heavy deployment of Paramilitary forces along with local police searched the local town and arrested 50 Baloch locals without any evidence for their involvement, the grave injustice is this that they wont be put infront of a court of law but will go through torture routine of Pakistani forces.

This is by far what is happening in Balochistan today, the law and order is under the control of Pakistani forces who are abducting people without any evidence and later their dead bodies are dumped in nearby areas, this isn’t criminality its genocide of Baloch nation and it is widely reported in Baloch media but still the inthuman rights group are keeping their investigation slow and out of international attention.

Baloch Community held a protest demonstration in köln, Germany

Demonstration in köln dom by baloch community

Germany :

The Baloch Community in Germany have held a protest demonstration in köln dom city on Saturday. The protest was aimed to bring the plight of Balochistan to the attention of international community.

The protestor, including women and children, held placard inscribed in English and German languages to appeal the International Community to help stop Baloch genocide, recognise the sovereign status of Balochistan, free the abducted Baloch activists and stop disappearances. The protester also briefed the media persons about Pakistani state atrocities in Balochistan and distributed pamphlets to people passing by in three different languages.

The present army operation has created a human tragedy. The religious fundamentalist army of Pakistan have been carrying out genocide acts against the Baloch. 8000 people have been abducted by Pakistani army. Their whereabouts are not known. More than 500 hundred mutilated bodies of the Baloch students, doctors, and engineers, intellectual, political and social activists have been dumped on roadsides
Baloch child holding a play card
The English pamphlet reads as follows: “From the occupation of their land (Balochistan) by Pakistan in 1948, the Baloch nation is facing inhuman atrocities by the religious fundamentalist state. In order to strengthen their hold on mineral rich and strategically important region, the Pakistani authorities have been using brutal force to suppress the Baloch national struggle for regaining of their sovereignty. The persistent assimilation policies of Pakistani state -founded on classical colonial pattern-are responsible for a situation where the Baloch identity as a nation is in grave danger. Pakistan has been exploiting and plundering the resources of Balochistan since the very beginning. With the exploitative policies of the state, the Baloch are living below the poverty line while their land is among one of the richest in the world.
Irony is that the state which is committing worst human right abuses and crimes against humanity in 21th century is enjoying the support of civilized world in the disguise of being an ally in the war against terrorism
“The Baloch have been raising voices against the exploitation of their resources and assimilation of their thousand years old cultural identity into a so-called Pakistani Islamic national identity. They have never accepted the occupation of Balochistan. The Baloch national resistance aimed at freedom of Balochistan and dignity of their people. To suppress the Baloch national aspiration, Pakistan has used brutal force. The fifth and the bloodiest of the military operations in Balochistan are going on since 2002 with countless accounts of crimes against humanity committed by the Pakistani army. It is using cluster bombs and chemicals weapons on innocent Baloch civilian population. Thousands of Baloch men, women, children and elderly have been killed. Hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee from their homes.

“The present army operation has created a human tragedy. The religious fundamentalist army of Pakistan have been carrying out genocide acts against the Baloch. 8000 people have been abducted by Pakistani army. Their whereabouts are not known. More than 500 hundred mutilated bodies of the Baloch students, doctors, and engineers, intellectual, political and social activists have been dumped on roadsides.

“Irony is that the state which is committing worst human right abuses and crimes against humanity in 21th century is enjoying the support of civilized world in the disguise of being an ally in the war against terrorism. The international community should not forget the fact that Pakistan is not only a mortal threat to the existence of the Baloch as a national entity; it is also a threat to whole civilized world. It is the bastion of international terror and cause of instability in south and central Asia. With its Islamic nuclear bomb and religious fundamentalist ideology, Pakistan remains a permanent threat to civilized nations.

“The members of the Baloch Community in Germany are demonstrating today to highlight the plight of the Baloch and to draw attention of the international community and civilised world towards the crimes against humanity committed by Pakistan in Balochistan.

“We appeal to European Union, United States and United Nation to exert pressure on the Pakistani army to stop its inhuman atrocities on the Baloch. The Baloch will welcome stationing international peace force in Balochistan under UN or European Union supervision.

“We appeal to international community to send fact finding missions in Balochistan to assess the impacts of Pakistani military operations on Baloch civilian population.

“We appeal to the civilized world to recognise the right of independent and sovereignty of Balochistan by supporting national struggle for freedom of Balochistan

“We appeal to the international community to act now before it is too late for the Baloch.”

More mutilated bodies and abductions as CJ resumes hearing

Four mutilated bodies found and seven more abducted in Balochistan as CJ resumes hearing cases

Occupied Balochistan: As the Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court returns to Quetta to hear cases of the families of abducted Baloch, four tortured bodies were found and seven more abducted from different areas of Balochistan on tuesday.

Sources reported that a body was found dumped near Custom House in port city of Gwadar, Balochistan. Levis forces shifted the body to a nearby hospital where its identity was ascertained as Nisar Ahmad. Custom house is only two minutes walk away from the Governer house in Gwadar.
Four mutilated bodies found in different areas of  Balochistan
Body of Nisar Ahmad body was found in Gwadar,  Bodies of Jan Muhammad and Khalid Dad found near Eastern By-pass in Quetta, Another body was found dumped in a well in Surab.

Another body was found dumped in a well in Surab area of Balochistan. Local authorities shifted the corpse to Surab civil hospital. Its identity was not established so far.

Seven abducted from different areas of  Balochistan
Dad Shah Baloch brother of Shaeed Commred Qayum Baloch was abducted near Bilal Mosque in Gwadar.
Yasir s/o Abdul Rahim Notwani is abducted from Kanak.
Security forces have abducted five Balochs from Mach area of  Balochistan; forces intercepted a public bus at Police check post and taken off the five Baloch passengers from bus.
Separately, two bodies were found in mountains near Eastern By-pass in Quetta, the capital city of Balochistan.Official sources said the deceased were identified as Jan Muhammad and Khalid Dad. The men were shot dead after being subject to severe torture.

The bodies were handed over to their families after completing preliminary medical formalities and post-mortem. The victims are said to be members of the Marri tribe.

MACH: Pakistani security forces have abducted five Balochs from Mach area of Balochistan.According to reports, Pakistani forces intercepted a public bus at Police check post in Mach area of Balochistan, and taken off the five Baloch passengers from bus .According to eye-witnesses, they were severely beaten by security forces and shifted to unknown location.

KHUZDAR: Yasir s/o Abdul Rahim Notwani is abducted by the unknown abductors from Kanak road area of Khuzdar.

GWADAR: Pakistani secret agencies personnels have abducted Dad Shah Baloch today in evening time near Bilal Mosque in Gwadar.Bilal Mosque is just 2 minutes drive away from the Pakistan’s Coast Guards Cantonment.Dad Shah is brother of BSO-Azad’s slain leader Comrade Qayum Baloch.He was previously abducted and killed under custody by the Pakistani forces. BSO-Azad has announced the shutter down strike all over in Gwadar tomorrow against the abduction of Dad Shah Baloch.

It is pertinent to mention here that the Chief Justice on Monday said that: “Mutilated bodies start surfacing whenever bench hears case in Quetta.”

Seven Baloch were killed by Pakistani security forces in Killi Kabo of Espilinji area in Balochistan just a day before the Supreme Court started hearing the cases of Baloch abducted persons. Four of the seven victims were named as Noor Din, Habib-ul-Rehman, Mohammad Ramzan and Abdul Rashid. The bodies of two victims were kept in BMC for identification.

by balochjohd

Pakistani military offensives in different areas of Balochistan,

Quetta: Pakistani security forces have launched military offensives in different areas of Balochistan, on Sunday night. Several people have reportedly been killed and many abducted during house-to-houses search operations.

According details the house a Baloch patriot leaders, Mir Abdul Nabi Bangulzai, was attacked in Kabo region of Esplinji in Balochistan whereas Pakistani security forces also carried out operations in Kalat, Mastung, Manguchar, Nagahi, Koh-e-Maaraan and Pir Ghaib areas of Bolan district. Eye-witnesses from the vicinities reported that Pakistani forces used gunship helicopters when they attacked Baloch houses in Esplinji area and due to the indiscriminate bombing at least seven people were killed and several wounded. A siege has been placed around the affected areas and all the entrance and exits routes have reportedly been blocked. People are not being allowed to take the wounded for treatment.

Several innocent people have been arrested and taken to undisclosed location during military offensives from Kalat, Nagahi and Bolan areas of Balochistan. Local residents were said be to in a state of panic and harassment after the unprovoked operations and there was a mounting fear that the Pakistani security forces might accelerate their indiscriminate rampage across Balochistan in coming days.

A teenager Baloch boy is abducted from Gwadar

A teenager Baloch boy is abducted by Pakistani secret agencies from Gwadar

Sagheer Baloch s/o Rahim Baksh, a 18 year old youth, resident of ‘’ ward number 6’’ in coastal town of Pasni is abducted by Pakistani secret agencies from Nalent area.
Occupied Balochistan,GWADAR: Pakistani secret agencies have abducted another Baloch youth from Nalent area of district Gwadar. According to reports, Sagheer Baloch s/o Rahim Baksh, a 18 year old youth, resident of ‘’ ward number 6’’ in coastal town of Pasni is abducted by Pakistani secret agencies from Nalent area .

The family members have said that, Sagheer went for Interview/test of a vacancy in a agricultural department in Gwadar city.But while he was returning from Gwadar on a passenger van of ‘’Al-Zahid’’ transport,was intercepted at FC checkpost in ‘’Nalent’’ on main coastal highway by Secret agencies personnels and they had taken away Sagheer along with them to an unknown location.

The family further said that Sagheer is not affiliated to any political party.He was working in a local fish company as a daily wage labour.Family has appealed for immediate recovery of their teen-aged son.

Protest Against Killing of Noor Ahmed Qambarani

Karachi/Quetta: Baloch Human Rights Organization (BHRO) Protest Against Killing of Noor Ahmed Qambarani Baloch and Against Baloch Genocide.
Quetta Press Club
Karachi Press club

دو ہزار گیارہ کے دوران ایک سو نو شہری بلوچستان سے لاپتہ ہوئے

حکومت پاکستان کی انسانی حقوق کی تازہ رپورٹ کے مطابق ملک میں شہریوں کے لاپتہ ہونے کا سلسلہ جاری ہے اور صرف سال دو ہزار گیارہ کے دوران ایک سو پچاس شہری لاپتہ ہوئے جن میں اکثریت کا تعلق بلوچستان سے ہے۔

پاکستان کی وزارت انسانی حقوق کی سالانہ جائزہ رپورٹ کے مطابق سنہ دو ہزار گیارہ کے دوران ایک سو نو عام شہری بلوچستان سے لاپتہ ہوئے۔

 بی بی سی کے  نامہ نگار  کے مطابق بلوچستان میں انسانی حقوق کی تنظیموں کا کہنا ہے کہ حالیہ برسوں میں لاپتہ افراد کی تشدد زدہ لاشیں پھینکنے کے واقعات میں بھی تیزی آئی ہے لیکن اس رپورٹ میں اس کا کوئی ذکر نہیں ہے۔

What use are toothless and worthless conventions? — Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur

The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, also known as the United Nations Convention against Torture, is an international human rights instrument aimed at preventing torture around the world. The United Nations General Assembly adopted it on December 10, 1984; it came into force on June 26, 1987. June 26 is recognised as the International Day in Support of Torture Victims. Pakistan signed it on April 17, 2008 and ratified it on June 3, 2010. It observed this day by dumping Buland Khan’s tortured, bullet-riddled body in Dasht, Mastung, abducted five days before from Quetta.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention against Torture on December 10, 1984; it came into force on June 26, 1987. June 26 is recognised as the International Day in Support of Torture Victims. Pakistan signed it on April 17, 2008 and ratified it on June 3, 2010. It observed this day by dumping Buland Khan’s tortured, bullet-riddled body in Dasht, Mastung, abducted five days before from Quetta.
The Pakistani state since signing this convention has decidedly trampled all over it in Balochistan. In 2010, 103 bodies were discovered, while 2011 saw this number rise to 203 and this year, so far, 80 bodies have been recovered. Kalat district heads the count, accounting for 133 victims; 60 bodies were discovered in Makran district and 102 victims were found in Quetta. Note: these figures are only for the past 18 months and many were victims before too, and it does not include people like Professor Saba Dashtiyari and other victims of targeted killings. No convention unless backed by sanctions is good enough to deter those who have enjoyed immunity for all past atrocities. Victims of the Frontier Corps (FC), intelligence agencies and their henchmen’s brutality litter Balochistan’s landscape but the Baloch persist with their struggle.
Mother of Mohammed Khan & Mohammed Nabi

The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICCPED) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 20, 2006 and came into force on December 23, 2010; 91 states have signed it and 32 countries have ratified or acceded it. Unsurprisingly, Pakistan remains one of the countries that refuse to sign it and even if it did, it will flout it as brazenly as it does the one on torture. August 30 is observed as the ‘International Day of the Disappeared’, which Pakistan observes by making even more people disappear.
The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICCPED) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 20, 2006 and came into force on December 23, 2010 . August 30 is observed as the ‘International Day of the Disappeared’, which Pakistan observes by making even more people disappear.
This Wednesday the Senate’s Functional Committee on Human Rights expressed displeasure over the increasing number of missing persons and adopted a resolution recommending the government to sign international conventions on the protection of people against forced disappearance. The Defence Secretary, Nargis Sethi, staunchly defended the intelligence agencies and stated that the whole world was hostile to the government agencies, which were doing their work in the country’s best interest. Some work! She deflected the indictment of the Supreme Court about the responsibility of the FC for 85 percent of disappearances in Balochistan by stating that the FC was under the interior ministry. This lame excuse would be laughable if only the matter was not that of hundreds of Baloch being abducted and killed by the state.

The Baloch have suffered terribly at the hands of the state since 1948 but maintain their dignity and have shown resolute courage under fire. The Baloch consider crying over the dead a sign of weakness; a picture on the internet showed the mother of my students, Mohammad Khan and Mohammad Nabi Marri, flashing a victory sign by their graves. The pain she must have undergone during their disappearance and then seeing their mutilated bodies can only be known to her. In Balochi, to express the sorrow of loss of the dead, they rightly say the fire heats most the spot it burns on.

I cannot claim that I am more hurt than those who have lost their loved ones in this ongoing dirty war against the Baloch, but I too am deeply hurt and saddened because among these dead are many persons whom I knew well and was associated with during our long exile in Afghanistan. Will someone tell how one condoles and commiserates with a person who has at once lost two brothers to state brutality? Should I tell him to accept it as destiny and ask him to show forbearance? If I do that, will he not think that Ustad with age has lost his marbles? Because I would not be speaking about unknown people, strangers, but persons I knew as flesh and blood, with a passion for studying, who patiently sat hours on the gravelly ground, summer and winter, to learn the three Rs I taught them.

Each Baloch who has fallen victim to state brutality, regardless of the fact whether the interior ministry, the defence ministry or their henchmen were responsible, deserves to be thanked and remembered for their dedication and commitment to the Baloch struggle, for had they succumbed to pressures or temptations they would be alive. Among these nearly 500 Baloch who have recently paid their debt of blood to their nation, I personally knew many. But I want to especially mention my students who have died gruesome deaths at the hands of the brutal enemies of humanity, who recognise no moral or religious norms, though ostensibly they do all this in the good name of Islam.
I feel honoured and privileged to be identified with those young men, my former students, who fell participating in the fight for a life of dignity and freedom for the Baloch people. I will name them with their sub-clans sobdar: Wahid Bakhsh, Shah Mir and Ahmad Murghiani. Zaman Khan and Ahmed Ali Chalgari. Arzu, Sherbat, Murad, and Zaman Sherani. Mohammad Khan and Mohammad Nabi Pirdadani. Faiz Mohammad, Nasir and Wazir Khan Mazarani. Gulzar Taingiani and Ghulam Qadir Pirukani. Some including Dr Akbar Pirdadani are missing. They died honourably and the Baloch owe them a debt, which can be redeemed only in struggle for a just and dignified life for the Baloch.

There will be no change in the brutality towards the Baloch even if the Convention on Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance is signed by Pakistan. The brutalities will continue; for after ratifying the Convention on Torture, they mercilessly continue to torture and kill in custody. Toothless and worthless conventions will not hinder those who are bent upon subjugating people and land for exploitation. Apparently, the world too does not take these conventions seriously enough, for had these meant anything, there would have been a reaction to Pakistani atrocities in Balochistan. At present, the only thing that can and is making the essential difference is the Baloch resistance to these atrocities but that needs support from all. Those silent at atrocities on the Baloch should remember that the perpetrators will sooner or later come for them too. (CourtesyDaily Times)