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Security forces attacked several Baloch villages in Mach

Quetta : The Pakistan FC (Frontier Constabulary) backed by gunship helicopters have attacked several Baloch villages in Mach and surrounding regions.

According to details Pakistan’s security forces have started military offensives in surrounding areas of Mach town in Balochistan including Zarghoon Killi, Marwaad and Margat. At least four gunship helicopters and 80 personnel carrier vehicles took part in the latest offensives and indiscriminate bombing on unarmed civilians. Sources reported that several livestock have been killed and many Baloch women and children were wounded.

The Pakistani forces also looted valuables from houses of innocent Baloch and set ablaze several houses. The military offensives were still continuing until the filing of this report.

The Pakistan military has block all the entrance and exit routes due which it has become difficult for residents to take injured for treatment. It is feared that the wounded might succumb to their injuries because of lack of medical facilities and the blockade by security forces.

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