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Pakistani military offensives in different areas of Balochistan,

Quetta: Pakistani security forces have launched military offensives in different areas of Balochistan, on Sunday night. Several people have reportedly been killed and many abducted during house-to-houses search operations.

According details the house a Baloch patriot leaders, Mir Abdul Nabi Bangulzai, was attacked in Kabo region of Esplinji in Balochistan whereas Pakistani security forces also carried out operations in Kalat, Mastung, Manguchar, Nagahi, Koh-e-Maaraan and Pir Ghaib areas of Bolan district. Eye-witnesses from the vicinities reported that Pakistani forces used gunship helicopters when they attacked Baloch houses in Esplinji area and due to the indiscriminate bombing at least seven people were killed and several wounded. A siege has been placed around the affected areas and all the entrance and exits routes have reportedly been blocked. People are not being allowed to take the wounded for treatment.

Several innocent people have been arrested and taken to undisclosed location during military offensives from Kalat, Nagahi and Bolan areas of Balochistan. Local residents were said be to in a state of panic and harassment after the unprovoked operations and there was a mounting fear that the Pakistani security forces might accelerate their indiscriminate rampage across Balochistan in coming days.

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