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More mutilated bodies and abductions as CJ resumes hearing

Four mutilated bodies found and seven more abducted in Balochistan as CJ resumes hearing cases

Occupied Balochistan: As the Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court returns to Quetta to hear cases of the families of abducted Baloch, four tortured bodies were found and seven more abducted from different areas of Balochistan on tuesday.

Sources reported that a body was found dumped near Custom House in port city of Gwadar, Balochistan. Levis forces shifted the body to a nearby hospital where its identity was ascertained as Nisar Ahmad. Custom house is only two minutes walk away from the Governer house in Gwadar.
Four mutilated bodies found in different areas of  Balochistan
Body of Nisar Ahmad body was found in Gwadar,  Bodies of Jan Muhammad and Khalid Dad found near Eastern By-pass in Quetta, Another body was found dumped in a well in Surab.

Another body was found dumped in a well in Surab area of Balochistan. Local authorities shifted the corpse to Surab civil hospital. Its identity was not established so far.

Seven abducted from different areas of  Balochistan
Dad Shah Baloch brother of Shaeed Commred Qayum Baloch was abducted near Bilal Mosque in Gwadar.
Yasir s/o Abdul Rahim Notwani is abducted from Kanak.
Security forces have abducted five Balochs from Mach area of  Balochistan; forces intercepted a public bus at Police check post and taken off the five Baloch passengers from bus.
Separately, two bodies were found in mountains near Eastern By-pass in Quetta, the capital city of Balochistan.Official sources said the deceased were identified as Jan Muhammad and Khalid Dad. The men were shot dead after being subject to severe torture.

The bodies were handed over to their families after completing preliminary medical formalities and post-mortem. The victims are said to be members of the Marri tribe.

MACH: Pakistani security forces have abducted five Balochs from Mach area of Balochistan.According to reports, Pakistani forces intercepted a public bus at Police check post in Mach area of Balochistan, and taken off the five Baloch passengers from bus .According to eye-witnesses, they were severely beaten by security forces and shifted to unknown location.

KHUZDAR: Yasir s/o Abdul Rahim Notwani is abducted by the unknown abductors from Kanak road area of Khuzdar.

GWADAR: Pakistani secret agencies personnels have abducted Dad Shah Baloch today in evening time near Bilal Mosque in Gwadar.Bilal Mosque is just 2 minutes drive away from the Pakistan’s Coast Guards Cantonment.Dad Shah is brother of BSO-Azad’s slain leader Comrade Qayum Baloch.He was previously abducted and killed under custody by the Pakistani forces. BSO-Azad has announced the shutter down strike all over in Gwadar tomorrow against the abduction of Dad Shah Baloch.

It is pertinent to mention here that the Chief Justice on Monday said that: “Mutilated bodies start surfacing whenever bench hears case in Quetta.”

Seven Baloch were killed by Pakistani security forces in Killi Kabo of Espilinji area in Balochistan just a day before the Supreme Court started hearing the cases of Baloch abducted persons. Four of the seven victims were named as Noor Din, Habib-ul-Rehman, Mohammad Ramzan and Abdul Rashid. The bodies of two victims were kept in BMC for identification.

by balochjohd

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