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Voice for Baloch Missing Persons rejected the FC’s special cell

Quetta :

The Voice for Baloch Missing Persons has categorically rejected the FC’s special cell which has been set up to help find missing persons. The VBMP termed it as an attempt by ‘Culprit trying to be the Judge’. “Formation of such a cell is only meant to divert the attention of the world and mislead judicial departments. All the evidence proves that the Intelligence agencies and FC are involved in enforced disappearances.”

These views were expressed by Nasrullah Baloch, the chairman of the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons. Addressing the media persons Mr. Baloch said all the evidence presented during Supreme Courts hearings have clearly indicated that the FC (Frontier Corps) is involved in abductions of Baloch activists. Setting up a cell by FC to collect the information about missing person is baseless and we believe as the Supreme Court has made its position clear about the FC, they are now trying to make themselves uncontroversial.

Nasruallh Baloch said the evidence and witnesses at Supreme Court hearings have proved that security agencies are involved in abductions but the advocate of FC keeps on repeating that abducted persons are not in the custody of security forces, adding that, “if the security forces are sincere about finding abducted persons, then they should affectively help the Supreme Court so that the abducted person can be found.”

He said if FC contacts his Organisation about the details of abducted persons, they will make a decision on organizational level after discussing the issue with other members. However, he said, FC has not played any positive role about abducted Baloch. Setting up a cell by FC will not help release abducted persons neither will it normalize the situation – such acts are baseless and ineffective.

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