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About Us

Struggle For Freedom, Peace and restoration of Human rights in Occupied Balochistan


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Baloch Human Rights Organization is a non-political organization. Our objective is to bring forward the severe human rights abuses being committed by Pakistan against Baloch nation in front of the international community and to curb the human rights abuses being committed by Pakistan with the help of the International Community and Human Rights Organizations. A better world could only be made possible with the implementation of human rights throughout the world. Human rights is an international issue and an end should be brought to the human rights violations, wherever they are being committed. Baloch as a nation is a victim of human rights abuses and BHRO while in Balochistan would work for advancing the human rights cause.

Our Objectives

Make the implementation of human rights laws possible.

Working to get all the enforcedly disappeared people released.

An International Inquiry should be conducted regarding the mutilated bodies of Balochs.

State forces should be respect the International laws of war.

Complete freedom to the Journalists and Human Rights activists to work in Balochistan.

Pakistan should be made responsible for the human rights treaties that it is a part of but is not practicing them.

Human Rights violations committed by Pakistan

The fundamental issue concerning Baloch is its national independence. Balochistan forceful occupation on 27th of March 1948 by Pakistan is a violation of Baloch right to self-determination as well as the Charter of United Nations.

All the violations being committed in Balochistan by Pakistan are associated with this historic event in one way or another. Balochistan has been deprived of all political and civil rights.

Political leaders, workers and common Balochs who demand the Independence of Balochistan are murdered under state custody.

Students, teachers, lawyers, doctors, human rights activists and people belonging to other spheres of life who raise their voices against the state atrocities are enforcedly disappeared and then murdered under state custody.
State institutions are committing state terrorism in Balochistan.

Enforcedly disappeared people are severely tortured and several of them are torture murdered.

The presence and the activities of military forces have limited the everyday life activities and have instilled fear among the general populace.
Due to military operations several thousand people are internally displaced and relief activities are forcefully obstructed.

The conditions of health and food are miserable.
Journalists and Human rights activists are prohibited from working freely.