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GWADAR: Pakistani forces arrested dozens of locals

After the attack by Baloch Liberation Front (BLF) on Pakistan coast guard in Nalent dozens of Pakistani paramilitary forces vehicle surrounded the town and started door to door search operation, harassment of local Baloch population and looting of belongings went on for hours, at the end the Paramilitary forces arrested Prof. Azeem Baluch along with 6 other Local Baloch people, their whereabouts are still unknown and the local police have refused to investigate the matter.
Forces arrested Prof. Azeem Baluch along with 6 other Local Baloch people, their whereabouts are still unknown
According to local sources the search operation didn’t ended yesterday but continued even today when a heavy deployment of Paramilitary forces along with local police searched the local town and arrested 50 Baloch locals without any evidence for their involvement, the grave injustice is this that they wont be put infront of a court of law but will go through torture routine of Pakistani forces.

This is by far what is happening in Balochistan today, the law and order is under the control of Pakistani forces who are abducting people without any evidence and later their dead bodies are dumped in nearby areas, this isn’t criminality its genocide of Baloch nation and it is widely reported in Baloch media but still the inthuman rights group are keeping their investigation slow and out of international attention.

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