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Baloch Community held a protest demonstration in köln, Germany

Demonstration in köln dom by baloch community

Germany :

The Baloch Community in Germany have held a protest demonstration in köln dom city on Saturday. The protest was aimed to bring the plight of Balochistan to the attention of international community.

The protestor, including women and children, held placard inscribed in English and German languages to appeal the International Community to help stop Baloch genocide, recognise the sovereign status of Balochistan, free the abducted Baloch activists and stop disappearances. The protester also briefed the media persons about Pakistani state atrocities in Balochistan and distributed pamphlets to people passing by in three different languages.

The present army operation has created a human tragedy. The religious fundamentalist army of Pakistan have been carrying out genocide acts against the Baloch. 8000 people have been abducted by Pakistani army. Their whereabouts are not known. More than 500 hundred mutilated bodies of the Baloch students, doctors, and engineers, intellectual, political and social activists have been dumped on roadsides
Baloch child holding a play card
The English pamphlet reads as follows: “From the occupation of their land (Balochistan) by Pakistan in 1948, the Baloch nation is facing inhuman atrocities by the religious fundamentalist state. In order to strengthen their hold on mineral rich and strategically important region, the Pakistani authorities have been using brutal force to suppress the Baloch national struggle for regaining of their sovereignty. The persistent assimilation policies of Pakistani state -founded on classical colonial pattern-are responsible for a situation where the Baloch identity as a nation is in grave danger. Pakistan has been exploiting and plundering the resources of Balochistan since the very beginning. With the exploitative policies of the state, the Baloch are living below the poverty line while their land is among one of the richest in the world.
Irony is that the state which is committing worst human right abuses and crimes against humanity in 21th century is enjoying the support of civilized world in the disguise of being an ally in the war against terrorism
“The Baloch have been raising voices against the exploitation of their resources and assimilation of their thousand years old cultural identity into a so-called Pakistani Islamic national identity. They have never accepted the occupation of Balochistan. The Baloch national resistance aimed at freedom of Balochistan and dignity of their people. To suppress the Baloch national aspiration, Pakistan has used brutal force. The fifth and the bloodiest of the military operations in Balochistan are going on since 2002 with countless accounts of crimes against humanity committed by the Pakistani army. It is using cluster bombs and chemicals weapons on innocent Baloch civilian population. Thousands of Baloch men, women, children and elderly have been killed. Hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee from their homes.

“The present army operation has created a human tragedy. The religious fundamentalist army of Pakistan have been carrying out genocide acts against the Baloch. 8000 people have been abducted by Pakistani army. Their whereabouts are not known. More than 500 hundred mutilated bodies of the Baloch students, doctors, and engineers, intellectual, political and social activists have been dumped on roadsides.

“Irony is that the state which is committing worst human right abuses and crimes against humanity in 21th century is enjoying the support of civilized world in the disguise of being an ally in the war against terrorism. The international community should not forget the fact that Pakistan is not only a mortal threat to the existence of the Baloch as a national entity; it is also a threat to whole civilized world. It is the bastion of international terror and cause of instability in south and central Asia. With its Islamic nuclear bomb and religious fundamentalist ideology, Pakistan remains a permanent threat to civilized nations.

“The members of the Baloch Community in Germany are demonstrating today to highlight the plight of the Baloch and to draw attention of the international community and civilised world towards the crimes against humanity committed by Pakistan in Balochistan.

“We appeal to European Union, United States and United Nation to exert pressure on the Pakistani army to stop its inhuman atrocities on the Baloch. The Baloch will welcome stationing international peace force in Balochistan under UN or European Union supervision.

“We appeal to international community to send fact finding missions in Balochistan to assess the impacts of Pakistani military operations on Baloch civilian population.

“We appeal to the civilized world to recognise the right of independent and sovereignty of Balochistan by supporting national struggle for freedom of Balochistan

“We appeal to the international community to act now before it is too late for the Baloch.”

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