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protests in support of torture victims

Norway :Baloch activists in Norway, Sweden and London have held simultaneous protests demonstrations and protest camps on 26 June the international day in support of torture victims.

In Norway a protest demonstration was held in front of Parliament house in Oslo. Waheed Baluch of BSO-Azad while addressing the gathering urged the international community and world human rights organisations to take notice of the on-going serious human rights violations in Baluchistan by Iran and Pakistan. He said that abduction of innocent Baluch activists and extra-judicial killing of Baluch activists by Pakistani security agencies have become daily routine.The protester distributed leaflets and other literature about Baluchistan situation and violation of human rights of Baluch people.
Abduction of innocent Baluch activists and extra-judicial killing of Baluch activists by Pakistani security agencies have become daily routine
Sweden: BSO-Azad and International Voice for Bauch Missing Persons held a joint protest in Gothenburg, the second largest city of Sweden. Members of Azerbaijan community and others also joined the Baluch protest in show their support for the victims of torture in Baluchistan.

Aherdad Baluch of BSO-Azad briefed the visitors regarding Baluchistan situation. He said Pakistani state terrorism was not only confined to Baluchistan but people Baluch people from Karachi and other areas of Sindh have also been target killed by state’s civilian death squads.

London: The International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons and BSO-Azad (UK) joined the London Guantánamo Campaign (LGC) at a multilingual "No to Torture" vigil in Trafalgar Square to mark International Day in Support of Victims of Torture and the twenty fifth anniversary of the United Nations Convention Against Torture becoming law on 26 June 1987.

Another protest camp was held near Edmonton Station in North London by Baluch activists to spread public awareness regarding Baluchistan issue. Zahid Baluch briefed the visitors of camp and distributed IVBMP leaflets about on human rights violation in Baluchistan. He said even though 26 June was an international day designated for support of torture victims but Baluch people were being torture and killed regularly by Pakistani and Iranian security forces.

He said the world must take notice of Iran and Pakistan’s brutalities against Baluch people and paly their role to bring end to these violations of human rights

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