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Families of abducted Baluch appeal for safe release of loves ones

Quetta :The relatives of four Marri Baluch have made an urgent appeal for the immediate and save release of their loved ones.

According to details family members of Farid S/O Fateh Khan Marri, Dhani Bakhsh S/O Mirz Ali Marri, Shah Ali S/O Mohammad Ali Marri and Gul Bahar S/O Mohammad Ali Marri issued a joint press release which read that their loved one were abducted by Sindh Rangers and the personnel of intelligence agencies of Pakistan.

The statement further read that the aforementioned men along with their women and children were going to Baluchistan from Nawab Shah region of Sindh in their private car, on Monday 25/06/2012. When their arrived near Sukkur by pass the Sindh Rangers and Pakistani intelligence agencies personnel stopped them abducted the four men before the eye of their families leaving the women and children stranded in middle for nowhere.

aforementioned men along with their women and children were going to Baluchistan from Nawab Shah region of Sindh in their private car, on Monday 25/06/2012. When their arrived near Sukkur by pass the Sindh Rangers and Pakistani intelligence agencies personnel stopped them abducted the four men before the eye of their families leaving the women and children stranded in middle for nowhere.
The family statement read that the abducted men are innocent farmers who went to live in Sindh to work and help their families; they have no affiliation with any political party or any other groups. Because of the abduction of adult male members of the families their women and children are faced with many difficulties and feel harassed.

They have strongly appeal the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Sindh High Court, Baluchistan High Court and Human Rights Organisations around the world to take notice of the abduction of their loved ones and play due role for their safe and early release. The families expressing their fear said that if the Supreme Court failed to take action on time, their loved one might be killed under-custody like hundreds of other Baluch activists by Pakistani security agencies.

Meanwhile, Baluch twitter activists have reported that a man named Amjad S/o Mohd Umar, a resident of Dasht are of Baluchistan was abducted by Pakistani security agencies on Wednesday 27/06/2012, while he was on his way to Gawader from Dasht.

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