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Protest Against Killing Razaq Gul

Baloch Human Rights Orgenization (BHRO) Protest Against Killing Razaq Gul Senior Journalist & Leader of Baloch National Movement and Against State Terrorism in Balochistan By Pakistan in front of Karachi Press club . 22 May 2012
human rights in balochistan
Baloch Human Rights Orgenization (BHRO) Protest Against Killing Razaq Gul Senior Journalist & Leader of Baloch National Movement and Against State Terrorism in Balochistan By Pakistan in front of Karachi Press club . 22 May 2012

At least 17 journalists And more than 450 Baloch from different field of life have been killed and dumped in Balochistan during the last three years.

The bullet-riddled body of Baloch Leader and
Senior Journalist Razaq Gul was found  near Turbat city in Kech on Saturday morning. Gul was correspondent of  Express News. He was kidnapped from near his house on Friday evening.

Against the killing of Razaq Gul demonstrations by journalists, political and local human rights organizations along with complete shutter down strike was observed in allover Balochistan.

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