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Baloch Human Rights Organisation has held a protest demonstration

 07 Aug 2012
Karachi : The Baloch Human Rights Organisation has held a protest demonstration in front of Karachi Press Club against on-going ‘state terrorism’ in Balochistan.

A large number of Baloch women, children and elderly holding placards and banner gathered outside Karachi Press Club to hold a demonstration against raids on houses of innocent Baloch and military offensives in different areas of Balochistan. The protesters also chanted full throat slogans against Pakistan and its security forces for committing atrocities against Baloch people.
Addressing the media persons that leaders of BHRO said that state atrocities were intensifying with every passing day in Balochistan. They said due to indiscriminate bombing on civilian population, demolishing their houses and the unending forced-disappearances and the kill and dump policy of the state human rights situations in Balochistan were deteriorating rapidly and turning into a grave human tragedy. According to BHRO leaders recently the state security forces carried out indiscriminate bombings in Dera Bugti, Kohlu, Chamalang, Kohistan Marri and raided houses of people in New Khan, Quetta and Mastung town of Balochistan.

“On 19 July gunship helicopters were used in an attack on civilian population in Killi Kabo area of Espilinji, Balochistan, which resulted in death of seven innocent Baloch youth. Several people were arrested in injured condition and shifted to undisclosed locations who are still being detained by Pakistani forces''

“On 30, July a massive military offensive was carried in Marwaar, Margat and Killi Zarghon areas of Balochistan. Pakistan army indiscriminately used latest weapons and gunship helicopters which killed hundreds of livestock and injured several people including women and children. Houses poor people were set on fire and demolished. The state security forces also looted valuables and abducted several people who have not been heard of since their arrest.
“On 30, July a massive military offensive was carried in Marwaar, Margat and Killi Zarghon areas of Balochistan.
On 31, July Pakistan Para-military forces raided several houses in New Kahan, Quetta where women and children were terrorised during a house-to-house search''
On 31, July Pakistan Para-military forces raided several houses in New Kahan, Quetta where women and children were terrorised during a house-to-house search. Several people including aged people were arrested and severally beaten up on spot. The criminal security forces also looted valuables, cash and jewellery from the houses of poor labourers of New Kahan.”

The BHRO leaders said that abduction and discovery of mutilated bodies of Baloch activists are on rise. The state security forces are continuing endless brutal operations across Balochistan where they are freely using gunship helicopters against civilian populations. “State security forces and intelligence agencies are using different tactics to expand and continue their atrocities in Balochistan”, said BHRO leaders.

The Baloch Human Rights Organisation has urged the United Nations to take notice of ‘state terrorism’ in Balochistan and send a fact finding mission to Balochistan to impartially observe the endless brutalities against Baloch people

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