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Iran’s Al-mersaad opened fire on Baloch protesters in Bogaan bazaar

 10 August 2012
Iran’s Al-mersaad opened firing on Baloch protesters in Bogaan bazaar here on Wednesday. At least one man has been killed and four women critically injured.

According to details the Iranian Al-mersaad force has attempted to set up a check post in Bogaan Bazaar, a town in Iranian occupied Balochistan. The residents of the area objected saying that setting up of the check post will make life difficult for already oppressed people. The resident of the area gathered to register their protest but the Iranian security forces opened indiscriminate firing on them. Resultantly, one man was killed and four women have been wounded.

Almersaad forces have similar powers like the FC (frontier corps) in Pakistan. They have been dispatched from Tehran; they operate under the direct supervision of Iran’s supreme leaders and consider themselves answerable to none.
The deceased has been identified as Yaqoob S/O Shah Dad Baluch. The injured women have been shifted to Pahra (Iranshahr) hospital where their condition was stated to be critical.

It is pertinent to mention that Almersaad forces have similar powers like the FC (frontier corps) in Pakistan. They have been dispatched from Tehran; they operate under the direct supervision of Iran’s supreme leaders and consider themselves answerable to none. Local people say that they are the most brutal force that has made life miserable for innocent people. They have established check posts almost everywhere in Iranian occupied Balochistan and they often kill innocent Baloch without any reason.

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