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Another former senior member of BSO-A murdered

Zahid Baloch, a former senior member of Baloch Student Organization - Azad, today succumbed to his injuries after he was brutally fired upon by Pakistani forces.

Zahid Baloch, a groom of 6 days, was a senior member of BSO-A tump zone. His family who was rejoicing 6 days ago are today mourning the death of their young son.

Zahid Baloch was also the cousin of BRP leader martyr Sameer Rind. Martyr Sameer was killed and dumped by Pakistani intelligence personnel after he went missing for one year.

Zahid Baloch was also abducted along with Iqbal Baloch in 2007 but after severe torture he was released later. However, Iqbal Baloch's whereabouts are still not known.

BSO-A pays rich tribute to the brave, sincere and very devoted former member of BSO-A tump zone and believes the revenge of our martyr comrade lays in the independence of motherland.

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